I am currently babysitting right now and something just occured that I found so disturbing that i had to publish a post! I am babysitting and we went to the corner store to get candy like we normally do everyday after they get off the bus stop. They had a big sign on the window today saying that they had a candy sale. When we walked it they had a huge box it had one pack of candy left in it. When i looked in I got so agrivated when i saw what type of candy they had almost sold out of. It was candy ciggarettes, not like the ones that we had when we were younger but they looked exactly like real cigarettes and the box they were in represented the same box of marbolro reds. When I asked the store manager why they were still selling these they said that its their most popular one and the children that recieves them are so young and he couldnt believe it! I know that we also had them around when we were young but as time got older they became much more realistic and if thats not promoting kids to smoke then what is? They are so for the truth commericals and everything but they still produce candy ciggarettes come on now!!!
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