I came upon a website this morning that realy raised my attention. The website was called :
Family Guide ; keeping youth mentally healthy and drug free. If you have children or work with children this website would def. interest you. The article I read was called Practice What you Preach!
There was one passage written by a 12 year old it said :
"I'm 12 years old, and I'm supposed to be sleeping right now. It's late on a school night, and I'm scared about being home alone. My parents are out partying with friends. I hope they'll be home soon. I hear them come in since my room is right over the garage. Sometimes my mom peeks in at me, but I pretend I am fast asleep. I just don't want to smell her breath or deal with the way she is when she drinks. She's a different person and I hate it!"
Adults need to realize kids aren't stupid in fact they are smarter then we are! What kind of role model are you trying to be if you are acting like a teen yourself!?
More then 6 million kids live in a household with atleast one parent who is abuses alcohol and /or addicted to an illicit drug! About 10% of the children are under 5.
Another passage I found is a common mistake that parents do that they think they can out smart their children :
"My dad asked me if I smoked up today and gave me a lecture about it. I wanted to laugh in his face. I mean, who does he think he's fooling, acting all protective and concerned? Just last month, I watched him light up after dinner. And then there's that smell that comes from his bedroom door on Sunday afternoons; like I don't know what that is! Anyway, how can he come in here and tell me NOT to do something that I know he does?"
as well as this one :
" You tell your child that she should never get into a car with a
driver who has had any alcohol. But when Grandma drives herself home from an office party after having several drinks, what is your child supposed to think? What if that person driving is you or another family member? The old saying, "Do as I say, not as I do," doesn't work if you really want your child to grow up healthy and drug free. Children often see and figure out more than adults realize."
How can you sit there and tell your kid not to do something if they are clearly aware of you or others close to them doing the exact same thing. They look up to you!! So do you want them to lie also? Also most parents or family members who do this have a guilty concience and they try to steer their children away from what the parent/family member themselves is doing wrong. " Oh i told him not to do it" etc.
When a parent has a substance abuse problem not only does it affect the child but it also affects your relationship with the child and their trust in you. Reasearch also shows ( the point im trying to prove) that : children of parents who abuse drugs are more at risk than their peers for delinquency, depression, poor school performance, and alcohol and drug use. Even though its not the only key factor but its something that parents have control over!
Also children who have parents who are addicted to alcohol or illegal drugs are 4x more likely to become addicted as well.
Fact of the matter is be open with your kids and be well aware of your actions and their surroundings. How can you expect them to stay away from drugs and alcohol if its done at home by their "heros" YOU.