Yesterday I was at an O.T office with a child that i babysitt for. After she went in I was in the sitting area and I over heard a conversation that was going on in the waiting room that I thought would be in intrest to the rest of you! A mother was on the phone speaking to another person and telling them about her 12 year old daughter ( who by the way was in the room as well ). She began shouting on the phone saying how shes convinced her 12 year old daughter is doing drugs and how she got expelled from school after being caught in the bathroom drinking with 3 other girls. The child you can tell was mortified because she knew everyone in the room an hear and the mother didnt care. She kept going on and on saying how shes never home and shes always at their neighbors house and she swears that shes pregnat and if she isnt shes going to be. What drew me to this conversation was that the daughter was sitting there holding her chain in her hand of a girl that looked just liked her, i assumed it was her twin and she just kept crying, the more she cried the more her mother spoke louder. When she hung up the phone she turned to the girl and began shouting at her and saying how disapointed she was in her and how she didnt bring her up that way and the next thing she said made my heart break. The mother began crying and shouting " IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU WHO DIED NOT LEXII YOU!" The girl turned white and jumped up and shouted YOU DID THIS TO ME, YOU CONSTANTLY COMPARE ME TO LEXI ! ITS NOT MY FAULT SHE HAD CANCER EVER SINCE SHE DIED YOU TURNED ME AWAY, YOU MADE ME DO THIS." Soon after that security came and both mother and daugther were escorted out but I just wanted to reach out to that little girl because she was right. A parent doesnt have to be doing drugs to influence a child to rely on the drugs but actions also hurt and so does silence. This little girl was faced with guilt and pain and frankly I feel like its her mother to blame!
I found my images on flickr.