A child isn't going to be inloved in drugs and alcohol only because of their parents but their are many risk factors that take place that can lead a child to depend on drugs to " comfort them". According to the Nation Drug Control Policy there are 3 most common types of risk factors that can increase the chances that children will turn to alcohol, tabacco and illegal drugs. The risk factors are :
- Child Risk Factors such as ADHD, serious behavior problems, violent acting out, or being rebelious.
- Family Risk Factors which include communication difficulties, to much or to little discipline, parents substance abuse in front of children, or the way they act after consuming alcohol, drugs etc, child abuse or neglect.
- Enviornemental Risk factors such as peer rejection, law enforcement of purchase-by-minors laws, extreme poverty, neighborhood crime, and failure to do well in school.
Just because one of these factors are present doesnt mean it will def. lead to drug use but they are more likely to do so if they occur during childhood or are faced with more than one risk factor.
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