Hey everyone!! If you haven’t noticed already, my blog posts are directed towards children who are at risk for substance abuse and different situations that they experience or may experience. This issue was brought to my attention because of some news that I heard about a girl that I used to go to grammar and high school with. She was always the " troublemaker". She strived for attention and did whatever she could to get it. My clearest memory of her was when we were 15 and a video was going around school of how she got her little sister high. Her sister was in the 2nd grade. She taped the whole thing and sent it to everyone through e-mail. Since then I lost touch with her because I didn’t believe in the influence she was giving her little sister. Recently I heard that her little sister now in 8th grade is 6 months pregnant living with her 20 year old boyfriend. Her mother and father couldn’t control her any longer and thats how she ended up. It got me thinking, if she wasn’t exposed to the drugs and alcohol when she was younger would she be in the 8th grade pregnant? So it goes to show you, its not only a parental influence but also sibling and social influence. This isn’t a rare scenario and it will occur more and more if we don’t help to balance the future of children and get them on the right track!
the photos above were found on flickr.
I can't believe the story about your friend getting her own sister high at such a young age. My brother and I have a seven year age difference but I never though of a sibling having an influence. I remember when I was little I would look up to my brother and want to be like him so I guess I can understand what happened to the sister. I agree it is imporant to get children on a right track from the start. Children need to be in a healthy environment in order to develop and understand how the world works and its not fair for kids who get subjected to drugs at a young age.