Creating possitive roles in children's lives can almost predict a brighter future. This is especailly true if they are in an enviornment in which drugs, alcohol, and smoking is second nature to them. Most children who experience substance abuse at an early age or later on have had many influences in their life who have led to the negative outcome. Did you ever stop and think, may be if I help a child by spending time with them , I can help shape their future? Well the answer is you can. The Big Brother Big Sister Organization does just that. Big Brother, Big Sister is a program designed to shape the future of children at risk with mentors , or as they like to call it a " big brother or big sister" . The mentor takes the child that they are matched up with on trips, helps with homework, does crafts, or even just hanging out. Having someone they can depend on and get a positive influence from can help benifit any child that is struggling. Most children taking part in this program are known to be less likely to engage in substance abuse. They are more likely to attend school and get jobs and lead a better life style. They're many other organizations that help children at risk similar to Big Brother , Big Sister such as : The Boys and Girls Club , Stand up for Kids, Free to Grow,and many more. So think about it, Do you think if a child has a certain someone in their life that they can look up to and admire that they can achieve their goals and go on the right path?
When i was in high school i always wanted to join the BIG SISTER program, i always thought it would be so rewarding to help a less fortunate kid. Not only would it be rewarding for me but also for the child in the long run. a big brother or a big sister for a child to look up to would definitely help kids who don't have anyone to steer them in the right direction. I know when i was in school i never had a big brother or a big sister to look up to i was the oldest.. i was even the oldest cousin, i had a cousin he was just about a year older than me but we were on the same age level so we did everything with each other. but back to the point i didn't have a older brother or a sister but i looked up to my mother even now to this day. my mom has made the strong person that i am today and has helped me come as far as i am. thats all a child needs in their life is some one who they know they can go to at anytime, someone to help them with homework, or even someone to just talk to.